Improve your health with traditional Japanese medicine

Heal gently and naturally with Usui Style Reiki Therapy.

Treatment Session

In a typical treatment session, the client lies down face-up fully clothed as I begin with a standard set of hand placements around the head and torso to assess and treat. Following this, the client will turn face-down so I can assess and treat the back of the torso.

Each treatment is unique, and is adjusted to fit the needs of the client. The frequency of sessions are also adjusted to the client and their situation.

During treatment, clients may experience physical sensations such as warmth or tingling. Some people relax very deeply and may actually fall asleep during a treatment. Following a treatment, people often report feeling relaxed, peaceful, less tense, and more alert.

Treatment Benefits

General benefits of Reiki Ryoho treatment sessions include:

  • Reduced anxiety
  • Reduced pain
  • Improved digestion
  • Better sleep
  • Increased vitality
  • Less stress

Specific ailments that can be addressed include:

  • Headache
  • Tinnitus
  • Sinus issues
  • Thyroid issues
  • Gall Bladder problems
  • Nausea / Morning Sickness
  • Arthritis /Gout
  • and many more…
Vital organs and structures are treated directly

About me

Hey! My name is Andrew Anders and I practice and teach “Reiki”.

Specifically, I am an Usui Style Reiki Therapy (Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho – 臼井式靈氣療法):

  • therapist (chiryōshi – 治療師)
  • teacher (reiju-sha – 靈授者)
  • lineage-bearer (reiju sōkeisha – 靈授 相継者)
  • successor (shishō – 師承)

in the Usui-Hayashi-Takata-Brown-Goslen-Fueston lineage.

Practicing since 2005, my current approach emphasizes early historical Japanese-American Reiki Ryoho methods and practical treatment processes. I aim to “take Reiki back into the clinic” and offer treatments like Hayashi Sensei and the practitioners between the 1920s-1980s.

Basically, I’m more old-school and clinical.

I also hold a 4-year graduate diploma in Classical Chinese Medicine and studied a variety of hands-on clinical skills in Japan. Lastly, I am an accomplished martial artist (5th degree instructor in two Korean martial art systems). All of these perspectives contribute to my understanding and inform my approach.

About Reiki

Also known as The Usui System of Natural Healing
招福の秘法 · 萬病の靈薬
The secret method to invite good fortune
The spiritual medicine for 10,000 illnesses

Usui Reiki Ryoho (URR) is a Taisho era traditional Japanese spiritual healing method to invite good fortune and promote health. Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho is the tradition carried on by Mikao Usui’s top student, Chujiro Hayashi and passed along to Hayashi’s successor Hawayo Hiromi Takata.

Usui Sensei and class of fully trained Reiki Ryoho Dai-Shihan; January 26, 1926
Direct reiju-sha (teacher level) students of Usui Sensei
Gokai calligraphy from Hayashi Sensei
“So we always say, the mental and the spiritual is number one; number two is the physical. And then you put that together and say we are a complete whole. And when you can say that, that means you have applied Reiki and Reiki has worked for you.” Takata Speaks: Volume 1, Reiki Stories


This method (靈氣), though primarily aimed at healing disease, also seeks to correct the mind and strengthen the body, allowing people to enjoy a life of wellbeing through their inborn spiritual ability. – From the Monument to Usui’s Virtue

“Going through the body in minute detail, the hands become sensitive and are able to determine the cause and to detect the slightest congestion within, whether physical or mental, acute or chronic. Being strictly drugless and a bloodless treatment Reiki will adjust the body to normal.” Hawayo Hiromi Takata 1948

The most well known aspect of Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho is healing hand therapy (Iyashino Teate Ryoho). Most Reiki Ryoho treatments begin with a standard series of hand placements to assess the state of the body and where imbalances may reside. From there I seek the root imbalance and treat it to improve the overall condition of the body.

Takata sensei practicing teate with Hayashi sensei observing
Hawayo Takata treating with and teaching Reiki Ryoho
with Chujiro Hayashi Observing - February 1938
Hawayo Takata Sensei
"Reiki does not heal from the top down. It draws out from the bottom up." - Hawayo Hiromi Takata 1948
治病必求于本 - To treat a disease, one must seek the root cause - Huang Di Neijing Suwen Chapter 5

Traditional East Asian medicine aims to balance yin and yang and promote harmony in and around the body. When balance is achieved, healing is encouraged and can occur. With Reiki Ryoho this return to balance can be considered Isei Henki – 移精変気 (or yí jīng biàn qì – 移精變氣),  a method that “promotes root vitality and transmutes the qi”.

Rather than treating the branch-symptoms alone, Reiki Ryoho also treats the root. As such, this approach to healing tends to be deep, subtle, and comprehensive. Results are more noticeable and longer-lasting with consistent treatment.


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